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Posted by on in Producer News
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10 Lucky Survey Winners announced

The 10 lucky winners randomly drawn from respondents to our recent Market Survey are:

Brock Elsen (NE);  Dawn Dugan (SD); Harold Bean (TX); Jim Campbell (MO); Justin Vaughn (MO); Mark Baumhoer (MO); Nancy Lind (TX); Robert Gorzell (TX); Stefanie Wildhaber (MO) and Warren Field (AL) .

Winners get to choose from a $500 Cabela's Gift Card or a VetGun3 Kit (includes VetGun3; gunbag; AiM-A; AiM-L; gas and a baseball cap).

CONGRATULATIONS to all and a special thanks to all those who responded to our survey - your feedback is invaluable in helping identify market needs and continuously improving our products and our product range. 

Tagged in: Parasiticide VetGun
